Earn Lead Orders
Lead Earning Program
In recognizing the considerable upfront costs associated with acquiring leads, we understand the financial strain involved in waiting for commissions to materialize weeks later. At FEB, we offer a lead program that provides you with immediate vested opportunities to earn some of the highest commissions in the industry. Our program ensures that you are equipped with fresh and exclusive leads tailored specifically for you. Notably, commissions are paid directly to you by the insurance company, bypassing any assignment to FEB. This streamlined process eliminates delays, ensuring prompt compensation for your efforts.
Program Overview:
Final Expense Brokerage presents an efficient lead incentive program designed to reward agents for their commitment to excellence. For every $1,500 of Net Annualized Life Premium Credit achieved with our endorsed companies, agents qualify for either 1,000 Final Expense direct mail lead cards or 37 telemarketed leads.
Lead Response and Workflow:
Experience the effectiveness of our program as direct mail lead responses begin to arrive within 3-4 weeks, featuring fresh and daily updated results. The process is simple: work your leads, write more business, and subsequently, earn more lead orders.
Getting Started:
This exclusive lead earning initiative is available to seasoned agents with a proven track record of at least two years in successfully working with final expense leads. To participate, agents must be appointed through Final Expense Brokerage under our specialized lead program.
To initiate participation, agents are required to produce a minimum of $1,500 in annualized life premium. This entails securing a minimum of three policies, totaling at least $1,500 in annualized life premium for the first lead order. Please note that controlled business, such as family member business, does not qualify.
Upon meeting the initial production requirement, agents are encouraged to confirm with Final Expense Brokerage to receive their first lead order. Agents are entitled to choose one FEB bonus program that aligns best with their business goals. Additionally, carrier-specific incentives can be earned in conjunction with FEB programs, subject to certain restrictions on business written.
This program underscores our commitment to supporting experienced agents, and we look forward to partnering with you on this mutually beneficial journey.